Apart from the on-going/ strong KPIs of BAA/ FFL/ WPA/ CMI/ MIA/ MIB, the month of June 2013 also saw new record highs for recurring/ long-lasting environment/ green news. Dengue (from unattended mosquito breeding) climbed passed 10,000 cases (include 3-4 reported death), thus mozzie wipe-out frenzy. Haze (from illegal forest burning) shooted up above hazardous 400 points (include 1 reported death elsewhere), leading to face-mask wipe-out frenzy. Hailstorm (from cold wind/ crystalline rain) dropped ice cubes and caused damages (tree uprooted/ traffic disrupted), soon after water bombing/ cloud seeding.
Besides doing the 10-minute 5-step mozzie wipe-out (from NEA) at home, beware of getting mosquito bites when outside (especially around dark/ park area) to avoid contracting dengue fever. In case of mosquito bites, do not scratch them and rub some ointment (such as Tiger Balm) to relieve the itch. If you need, use less of smelly toxic-based (or bad side effect) mosquito repellent, and think more of safer natural-option (or good own mix) mosquito repellent (but not overuse till invite bee/ butterfly) instead.
Besides looking at PSI (from NEA) level, my simple gut feel is to just looking out the window, plus keeping in mind the worst PSI as gauge for the day. In case of unhealthy condition (above 100 points), try to stay indoor (if possible) and drink enough water (or cooling/ herbal tea) to flush out toxic from the body. If you can, backup some essential food items at home, and buy few boxes of real face mask (standby for emergency use).
On a real prolong crisis (like SARS-like diseases), whatever current supply of N95 masks will not be able to meet the sudden surge in public demand. The normal people (less at risk) should understand and take care of the more vulnerable group of people at these difficult times. If you must (preferably now than later), buy few boxes of real face mask, so that history does not repeat itself?
Hands-On Green Matters

[ Memories of Nokia X3-02 Phone ]
① The Sore Loser
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