Getting through the tough times by overcoming all sort of ugly forces. The unrepentant waves of same continue, without a blink of the eye.
On a thunderstorm morning (on April 2, 2012), the recycling bin (placed at open area) was found lying along the roadside. The first thing that came to my mind was to help the recycling bin to get up on its feet again. However, I was stopped and put off the idea by the sudden violent angry storm of rain/ thunder/ lightning/ wind.
Besides the dull rubbish/ leaves, I had again removed colourful stuff like yellow security vest and purple big balloon. I had also called NPP line regarding the suspicious security vest discarded in the recycling bin. Again, I called NPP line regarding another offensive/ sabotage attack (with dead leaves) on the recycling bin (on April 25, 2012).
On few other occasions, the recycling bin was seen lying along the roadside (on August 3, 2012/ October 9, 2013).
Hands-On Green Matters

[ Memories of Nokia X3-02 Phone ]
① Recycling Sabotage
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