More trash messages/ conversations
Trash: Sotong! (first insult)
Green: Fine to be little unwise for a small while. Just to clear the many doubt of the bigger SOTONGs, with a slim hope.
Trash: Stone! (more insult)
Green: Look further, stones are common everywhere. Still trying very very hard on meaningful search for a diamond heart.
Trash: Go fly kite! (NDR on 26 August)
Green: HOPELESS/ HEARTLESS cannot fly high/ proud. Will be worth all the while when many gain/ see real changes in home.
Even more trash extras/ messages/ conversations
Green: How come you are capable of so many wrongs/ extremes (like mess-up/ harassment/ sabotage), from which school of thought/ negative hope?
Trash: Go ask the trainer/ teacher/ friend! (too many angry birds)
Green: How come you are leaving the grounds out of touch/ care and forgetting your real goal/ purpose, taken control by evil/ monster heart?
Trash: Go ask the supervisor/ school/ parent! (nothing like mentor)
Green: Unless you take pride to perform basic task, it will forever be pointless with the trashes/ bins, against productive/ quality home?
Trash: Go ask the boss! (to think world-class)
Hands-On Green Matters
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